Corporate and Business

A corporate and business dispute is a lawsuit arising from a dispute between two or more people who agreed to jointly operate businesses whether in the type of partnership, registered partnership, limited partnership, limited company, public company, consortium, or joint venture and afterward having a conflict over the management of business both internally and externally, for instance, breach of a partnership or joint venture agreement.

Corporate and business litigation requires a highly experienced lawyer because it requires an understanding of both laws and the operation of a business, which are different in each type of business. At APC Law, the corporate and business case is our main expertise with a team of lawyers that specialize in business law and business operations including a team leader that has more than 10 years of experience in litigation concerning corporation and business particularly.

A corporate and business dispute is a lawsuit arising from a dispute between two or more people who agreed to jointly operate businesses whether in the type of partnership, registered partnership, limited partnership, limited company, public company, consortium, or joint venture and afterward having a conflict over the management of business both internally and externally, for instance, breach of a partnership or joint venture agreement.

Corporate and business litigation requires a highly experienced lawyer because it requires an understanding of both laws and the operation of a business, which are different in each type of business. At APC Law, the corporate and business case is our main expertise with a team of lawyers that specialize in business law and business operations including a team leader that has more than 10 years of experience in litigation concerning corporation and business particularly.



In business or even daily life, there are laws involved all the time such as buying products, making an agreement with someone including entering into a business contract. On some occasions where disputes arise causing damages and such cannot be settled or compromised, it leads to a civil case.

Civil cases are important, not less than any other case, although in civil cases there are no penalties that restrict rights and liberties like criminal cases, it is a case related to the act or omission of action, ability, or status of a person including claims for damage or compensation, especially in a case that is related to business. Thus, if you have a civil case it’s essential to have an experienced attorney who specializes in civil law representing you.

To settle your dispute we, APC Law Firm, are ready to provide you our services to the best of our ability whether through negotiation, arbitration, litigation, etc. to meet your demand and best interest. We are dedicated to representing our clients in all types of civil cases.

In business or even daily life, there are laws involved all the time such as buying products, making an agreement with someone including entering into a business contract. On some occasions where disputes arise causing damages and such cannot be settled or compromised, it leads to a civil case.

Civil cases are important, not less than any other case, although in civil cases there are no penalties that restrict rights and liberties like criminal cases, it is a case related to the act or omission of action, ability, or status of a person including claims for damage or compensation, especially in a case that is related to business. Thus, if you have a civil case it’s essential to have an experienced attorney who specializes in civil law representing you.

To settle your dispute we, APC Law Firm, are ready to provide you our services to the best of our ability whether through negotiation, arbitration, litigation, etc. to meet your demand and best interest. We are dedicated to representing our clients in all types of civil cases.



There are various types of criminal offenses under Thai law, whether criminal offenses under the Thai Criminal Code or Acts with criminal penalties. Criminal cases are divided into two main categories: First, public offense or non-compoundable offense, an offense that cannot be compromised such as murders, gang robbery, public fraud, money laundering, etc. Second, compoundable offense, an offense that can be compromised or may be withdrawn or settled at any time before it becomes final, such as defamation, fraud, misappropriation, etc.

A criminal case is a lawsuit in which an injured person sues against the other party with the intention for the other party to be punished. Under the Thai Criminal Code, there are five punishments to be imposed on a person committing an offense in relation to the severity of the crime that has been committed as follows: 1) Death penalty; 2) Imprisonment; 3) Confinement; 4) Fine; and 5) Forfeiture of property. Therefore, a criminal case is a case that affects the rights and freedoms of a person, because in the event that losing the case the defendant may be sentenced with the punishment mentioned above.

We, APC Law Firm, have attorneys who focus on the field of criminal law specifically and are ready to provide services in order to protect our client’s rights, freedom, and benefits.

There are various types of criminal offenses under Thai law, whether criminal offenses under the Thai Criminal Code or Acts with criminal penalties. Criminal cases are divided into two main categories: First, public offense or non-compoundable offense, an offense that cannot be compromised such as murders, gang robbery, public fraud, money laundering, etc. Second, compoundable offense, an offense that can be compromised or may be withdrawn or settled at any time before it becomes final, such as defamation, fraud, misappropriation, etc.

A criminal case is a lawsuit in which an injured person sues against the other party with the intention for the other party to be punished. Under the Thai Criminal Code, there are five punishments to be imposed on a person committing an offense in relation to the severity of the crime that has been committed as follows: 1) Death penalty; 2) Imprisonment; 3) Confinement; 4) Fine; and 5) Forfeiture of property. Therefore, a criminal case is a case that affects the rights and freedoms of a person, because in the event that losing the case the defendant may be sentenced with the punishment mentioned above.

We, APC Law Firm, have attorneys who focus on the field of criminal law specifically and are ready to provide services in order to protect our client’s rights, freedom, and benefits.



A labor case is a lawsuit between employer and employee related to the rights or duty according to the working condition by claiming that the other party did not comply with the employment agreement or obligations determined by both parties. A labor case is also a type of civil case. Still, because of the difference in status and financial power between the employer and employee, the Act of Establishment of and Procedure for Labor Court established the labor court to make the litigation more fair for employees who cannot fight the case against the employer.

At APC Law, we provide legal services to all kinds of labor cases and disputes between employer and employee to settle disputes, whether through litigation, arbitration, compromise, or negotiation.

A labor case is a lawsuit between employer and employee related to the rights or duty according to the working condition by claiming that the other party did not comply with the employment agreement or obligations determined by both parties. A labor case is also a type of civil case. Still, because of the difference in status and financial power between the employer and employee, the Act of Establishment of and Procedure for Labor Court established the labor court to make the litigation more fair for employees who cannot fight the case against the employer.

At APC Law, we provide legal services to all kinds of labor cases and disputes between employer and employee to settle disputes, whether through litigation, arbitration, compromise, or negotiation.


Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property ("IP") is defined as original creative work manifested in a tangible form that can be legally protected, the most commonly known IP are trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secretsIP is protected by the laws relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets; these laws acknowledge an innovator’s ownership of his or her novel creation and give that innovator the exclusive right, for a period of time, to use and benefit from it. Whereas IP assets are a valuable foundation of businesses, so when unauthorized use or infringement occurs, disputes are bound to arise.

IP litigation involves disputes relating to the protected creations of the human mind, including discoveries, inventions, artistic works, processes, and products. Since IP is protected by the laws, these disputes are litigated in both court systems, as well as by arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution forums. And, given the global marketplace, IP rights are also an international concern.


Intellectual Property ("IP") is defined as original creative work manifested in a tangible form that can be legally protected, the most commonly known IP are trademarks, copyrights, patents and trade secretsIP is protected by the laws relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets; these laws acknowledge an innovator’s ownership of his or her novel creation and give that innovator the exclusive right, for a period of time, to use and benefit from it. Whereas IP assets are a valuable foundation of businesses, so when unauthorized use or infringement occurs, disputes are bound to arise.

IP litigation involves disputes relating to the protected creations of the human mind, including discoveries, inventions, artistic works, processes, and products. Since IP is protected by the laws, these disputes are litigated in both court systems, as well as by arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution forums. And, given the global marketplace, IP rights are also an international concern.



Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation

A bankruptcy case is a case that arises from disputes between one or more creditors, whether the creditor is a juristic person or a normal person and a debtor who has debts of more than 1,000,000 Baht for a normal person and more than 2,000,000 Baht for a juristic person. The ground of action for a bankruptcy case comes from the debtor having more debts than assets and cannot afford to settle the debts.

A rehabilitation case is a case concerning a creditor, both a normal person and juristic person, filing a complaint to the Bankruptcy Court against a debtor that is a limited company, public company, or any other type of juristic person which have been determined in ministerial regulations, which are insolvent and have one or more creditors with debts not less than 10,000,000 Baht. The purpose of rehabilitation is to allow debtors to continue operating their businesses and give creditors an opportunity to receive repayment more than having the debtor become bankrupt. An application for rehabilitation can be applied both before and after the creditor has filed a bankruptcy case against the debtor

A bankruptcy case is a case that arises from disputes between one or more creditors, whether the creditor is a juristic person or a normal person and a debtor who has debts of more than 1,000,000 Baht for a normal person and more than 2,000,000 Baht for a juristic person. The ground of action for a bankruptcy case comes from the debtor having more debts than assets and cannot afford to settle the debts.

A rehabilitation case is a case concerning a creditor, both a normal person and juristic person, filing a complaint to the Bankruptcy Court against a debtor that is a limited company, public company, or any other type of juristic person which have been determined in ministerial regulations, which are insolvent and have one or more creditors with debts not less than 10,000,000 Baht. The purpose of rehabilitation is to allow debtors to continue operating their businesses and give creditors an opportunity to receive repayment more than having the debtor become bankrupt. An application for rehabilitation can be applied both before and after the creditor has filed a bankruptcy case against the debtor



The family case is one of the civil cases filed or requested to the Court or any action regarding minors or their family which must be enforced under the Civil and Commercial Code. There are various types of family lawsuits, such as divorce, custody of children, legitimate child, incompetent person, the appointment of a guardian, and child support,  for instant. 

All family cases must be filed or requested to the Juvenile and Family Court because it is a cases concerning minors and family relationships. This is to protect the well-being and benefits of minors, have appropriate measurements against minors (in litigation relating to children), protect the welfare of the victim of domestic violence, and create peace and coexistence of family institutions. 

The family case is one of the civil cases filed or requested to the Court or any action regarding minors or their family which must be enforced under the Civil and Commercial Code. There are various types of family lawsuits, such as divorce, custody of children, legitimate child, incompetent person, the appointment of a guardian, and child support,  for instant. 

All family cases must be filed or requested to the Juvenile and Family Court because it is a cases concerning minors and family relationships. This is to protect the well-being and benefits of minors, have appropriate measurements against minors (in litigation relating to children), protect the welfare of the victim of domestic violence, and create peace and coexistence of family institutions. 


Consumer Protection

Consumer lawsuits are civil cases between a consumer who is a purchaser or a person receiving services from a businessperson or a consumer who is offered or solicited by a businessperson to purchase goods or receive services and also include consumers that have used goods or services from the businessperson without compensation and the businessperson who is the seller manufacturer for sale who ordered or brought into the Kingdom of Thailand for sale or a buyer for resale of the product or service provider. Examples of consumer cases are online shopping cases, selling houses cases, condominiums cases, etc.

Consumer lawsuits are civil cases between a consumer who is a purchaser or a person receiving services from a businessperson or a consumer who is offered or solicited by a businessperson to purchase goods or receive services and also include consumers that have used goods or services from the businessperson without compensation and the businessperson who is the seller manufacturer for sale who ordered or brought into the Kingdom of Thailand for sale or a buyer for resale of the product or service provider. Examples of consumer cases are online shopping cases, selling houses cases, condominiums cases, etc.



A tax case is a case where the parties in the case are the state (government) and private due to the government's tax collection. It is a dispute concerning an appeal against the decision of an official or a committee under the law on taxation, a claim of the state on tax debts, tax refund, dispute cases concerning rights or obligations which have been made for the purpose of tax collection Initially; this includes the tax dispute case of the revenue department. customs duty, excise tax, etc.

A tax case is a case where the parties in the case are the state (government) and private due to the government's tax collection. It is a dispute concerning an appeal against the decision of an official or a committee under the law on taxation, a claim of the state on tax debts, tax refund, dispute cases concerning rights or obligations which have been made for the purpose of tax collection Initially; this includes the tax dispute case of the revenue department. customs duty, excise tax, etc.
